Quality Assurance Policy 

Pavanatma will strive to pursue national standards of excellence in teaching, learning, research, and consultancy, and to remain accountable in our core and support functions, through processes of self-evaluation and continuous improvement.

Internal Quality Assurance System 

All activities within the College are subject to the procedures mentioned in the College Quality Assurance Manual– ‘Pavanatma Quality Manual (PQM)’. All staff undertakes a key role in the management and implementation of quality assurance procedures and a collective responsibility for same is distributed across a range of boards and committees. Ultimate responsibility for the approval of all quality assurance procedures rests with the Academic Council. The responsibility of framing, implementing and monitoring the quality assurance procedures lies with the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of the college. The procedures are reviewed periodically at the department level by the respective departments and at the institutional level by the IQAC. Departmental evaluative reports and the institutional annual Quality Assurance Report are submitted to Academic Council annually by the coordinator of IQAC. Quality Assurance within the College is managed by the IQAC, headed by the Principal. All quality assurance procedures are reviewed on a regular basis by the IQAC and the findings of such reviews are presented to Academic Council for review and approval. The Academic Council assesses the findings of the review and recommends proposed changes if any to the Administrative Council for ratification, after ensuring that such changes are in accordance with the institutional vision and mission. Any future amendments to the Quality policies and procedures will be documented in the manual PQM. The PQM is published on the College Website and the revised version is made available at the college library. Individual faculty members receive specific induction on the areas of the manual that specifically relate to their area of responsibility.

Management & Governance 

At Pavanatma, there are many academic units that comprise the overall management and governance structures endowed with the responsibility and accountability for ongoing quality assurance. The quality assurance system as developed by the IQAC ensures the delivery of the quality policy at a number of levels:

  1. Through the Administrative Council and the Managing board, which will ensure that the overall mission of the college is being achieved?
  2. Through IQAC, CPIC, and the Staff Council which hold the ultimate responsibility for academic quality in the college and advise the various academic departments in matters of quality assurance.
  3.  At a Departmental level through the HOD and faculty, who are responsible for quality in their specific departments.
  4. At a student level through student services, student mentors, and class representatives.

The governance structure of the college is diagrammatically represented in Figure 2.1 while the membership and function of the different boards and committees within the College are detailed in Table 2.1.

Administrative Council

Manager (Chair)

Secretary, Corporate Educational Agency, Idukki



Vice Principal

Oversee strategic development.

Ratify various recommendations of the administrative council.

Amends and guides the planning process.

Evaluates and revises short term and long term plans and initiatives.

Ensures the availability of required institutional provisions.

Consideration of HRM requirements.

Three times per year

Managing Board




Vice Principal


Academic Advisors (External)

Community Interest Representatives 

Administrative Advisors (External)

Advise the Administrative

Council on the strategies for quality improvement

Once every year

Academic Council


Heads of Department

Faculty Representative

Assess the effectiveness of all the academic enrichment, extracurricular and administrative activities 

Oversee compliance with quality assurance procedures 

Oversee programme development and review

As required
Internal Quality Assurance Cell


Heads of Department


Representative of the faculty(Coordinator)

Nominated student Representative

Review, evaluation and revision of QA procedures

Monitoring of all systems and polices across the college

Informal staff training

As required

Curriculum Planning & Implementation Committee


Faculty representatives

Curriculum Development & Review


Examinations & Assessment 

Monitoring of the realization of Graduate Attributes 


Informal staff training

As required

Faculty Development Committee


Staff Secretary(Elected)

Faculty Representative(Nominated)

To organize Staff enrichment programmes

Intimate about Refresher courses

Intimate about Orientation Courses

Organize Staff Tours etc.

As required

Research Committee


Faculty Representatives(Nominated)

Make recommendations on the initiatives for the promotion of research

As required
ICT Committee


Faculty Representatives(Nominated)

Improve the IT infrastructure from time to time

Conduct IT audit

As required

Infrastructure Committee


Faculty Representatives(Nominated)

Conduct Infrastructure audit

Improve the infrastructure from time to time

As required
Library Committee


Faculty Representatives(Nominated)

Purchase of books and Journals

Improvement and monitoring of library services

As required

Equal Opportunity Cell


Faculty Representatives(Nominated)

Monitor the adherence to EO policy As required

Women’s cell


Faculty Representatives(Nominated)

Sensitization on gender issues, inclusion

As required

AntiSexual Harassment Cell


Faculty Representatives(Nominated)

Address and root out issues related to sexual harassment in the campus As required
Academic Grievances Redressal Forum


Faculty Representatives(Nominated)

Monitor the adherence to the complaint policy

As required

Non-academic Grievances Redressal Forum


Faculty Representatives(Nominated)

Monitor the adherence to the complaint policy As required

AntiRagging Cell


Faculty Representatives(Nominated)

Root out ragging in all its forms from the campus As required
Mentoring Cell


Faculty Representatives(Nominated)

Coordinate all mentoring activities

As required
Feedback Cell


Faculty Representatives(Nominated)

Monitor and guide the feedback procedures As required
Student’s Union Chairperson(Elected) Coordinate and encourage the cultural activities of student community As required
Counseling Cell


Faculty Representatives(Nominated)

Monitor and coordinate academic and psycho-social counseling As required

Procedures for Measuring the Effectiveness of Quality Assurance Procedures

1. Quality Audit

The IQAC is in charge of review, evaluation and revision of quality assurance procedures. It is responsible for monitoring all systems and polices across the College and their impact on the student experience and academic standards. The IQAC collects half yearly reports from the faculty-in-charge, the class mentor, and members of various committees and cells to assess the progress of the quality maintenance in various aspects. An internal end-semester review of the academic activities is conducted by the IQAC, and the report on the progress of various processes is submitted to the staff council. 

At the end of the academic year, the Principal visits each department and interacts with the faculty and staff, verifies the records and documents personally and receives the report from the HOD and coordinators of various cells and committees regarding all activities undertaken that year. From the findings of this audit, the Principal prepares his/her annual report to be submitted to the Administrative Council and to the stakeholders on the Annual Day. The internal audit helps the college rectify any shortcomings in the implementation of QMIS.


2. Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR)

IQAC finalizes an Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) each year. It takes the format of a self-study, identifying existing strengths and areas for improvement. The desired outcome of this report is an annual action plan aimed at ensuring the achievement of ongoing quality enhancement. The Report and a proposed Quality Enhancement Plan is submitted to Academic Council for review, discussion and ratification.


3. Evaluative Report of the Departments

All departments submit to the IQAC an evaluative report on the activities undertaken that year. The report includes academic result, student activities, faculty improvement programmes, best practices and innovative methods of the department. IQAC reviews the report and submits its conclusion on the activities of all departments to the academic council. 

All clubs, forums and cells of the college also submit annual reports to the IQAC. These reports are used to review the activities of the clubs, forums and cells by the IQAC, which submits its conclusion along with recommendations for improvement of the quality procedures to the academic council.