
Pavanatma Alumni Association Murickassery (PAAM)

The Institution has a registered Alumni Association, Pavanatma Alumni Association Murickassery (PAAM), under the Travancore-Cochin Literary, Scientific and Charitable Societies Act-1955, with Register No.: IDK/TC/378/2022. The President of the Alumni Association is the Principal of Pavanatma College. The Executive Committee comprises the President, Vice President, Working Presidents, General Secretary, and Members elected from the general body meetings. There is a faculty member incharge of the Alumni Association. The meetings of the Alumni Executive Committee are convened regularly. The departmental alumni meetings are also conducted on special occasions. Alumni have contributed to and supported the institution's activities in various capacities.

Functions and Mechanism of PAAM

The objective of PAAM is to function for maintaining an everlasting cordial relationship between the

Alumni and Alma mater.

Coordination :

  1. There is a college-level Alumni coordinator for PAAM.
  2. There are department-level Alumni coordinators who coordinate the alumni engagements in the respective Department.
  3. Alumni coordination is networked via Whatsapp Community, Instagram pages, Face Book pages etc.

Alumni Engagements:

  1. Academic Support

The alumni, in their various capacities as academicians, researchers, corporate managers, and political and administrative leaders, offer their expertise in their respective areas such as resource persons for seminars and other enrichment programmes. They often visit their alma mater, interact with the student community, and motivate themselves to avail themselves of the opportunities to excel. The joint meetings of the alumni and the faculty provide a platform for sharing teaching and learning experiences and an opportunity for collecting feedback to improve the institution's curricular and cocurricular programmes.

       2. Co-curricular, Infrastructure and Financial supports

  1. The alumni generously support their respective departments in conducting various programmes,
  2. including social outreach initiatives.
  3. Actively supports placement training and the placement aspirations of students.
  4. Conducts placement drives for alumni and final year students.
  5. Alumni members extend support as resource persons for capacity enhancement programmes.
  6. Serve as resource persons for seminars and invited lectures organised by every department on relevant topics for the students of the undergraduate and post-graduate programmes.
  7. Motivational talks and career guidance classes given by alumni play a key role in grooming the
  8. careers of students.
  9. Alumni complement the quality improvement strategies of the college as members of IQAC.
  10. Prominent members of the alumni community contribute to the administrative process as members of the Governing Body.

PAAM's diverse activities collectively contribute to the institution's academic excellence and the holistic development of its students. The association's unwavering commitment to foster a culture of learning, scientific inquiry, mentorship, and global engagement stands as a beacon for current students and an enduring testament to the enduring bond between alumni and their alma mater.

PAAM Registration please click 
